Florence theme by BLD - not working anymore?

Hi friends. Today I was opening a site project of a customer, which I haven’t been updating since august 2017. The site was built with the Florence theme from Brandon Lee Design. For some reason the logo and banner images only show question marks and there seems to be an issue which I can’t figure out in the moment. What could be wrong? Is anyone else having problems with this theme in the moment? Parallel I’ve contacted the BLD support and wait for their solution. Would be great to fix this soon.

thanks for your ideas and suggestions


Impossible to help without a url

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Hi Scott. Thanks for your reply.
There are 2 URL I like to share for my request now.

  1. The URL before the update (fully functioning)
  2. The “Test” URL where the site doesn’t work anymore.

After doing this, the second URL looks perfect once published but inside RW preview it looks broken.
This is really bizarre.


Brandon from BLD replied promptly :))
After updating the theme everything looks fine again.

Best regards

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