Hello RW Community… Would value some input regarding FormSnap vs FormLoom 3.
What is the difference between them?
Can either FormSnap or FormLoom 3 be used to populate MySQL fields. Wanting to use this with custom fields in SiteLok.
Does one or both take a full, what I believe is called an AJAX approach. Meaning that you never leave the page or the popover you are on while filling out the form and receiving feedback from the form, e.g. error prompts and success messages?
I currently use the SiteLok form builder for all my SiteLok related forms. Does anyone have experience using FormSnap or FormLoom3 to custom make forms for SiteLok? This question pertains to the previous question as I am considering rebuilding all my SiteLok related forms such as registration, profile updating and such to use either FormSnap or FormLoom 3 if either is able to process the form in it’s entirety without leaving the page.
Interesting question… I use Sitelok and just use the code generated by the Sitelok form designer, (choosing the “adopt styling from your website” option, can’t remember the exact verbiage).
Anyway, my knowledge of HTML and CSS is not great, so to be able to use a stack to create good looking Sitelok friendly forms would be pretty cool!
Hi Mark… Yes, SiteLok can use your CSS. The setting is “Simplify the form style so that my existing page CSS can be used.”
I am more interested in understanding the difference between FormSnap and FormLoom as well as it’s error and success behavior.
SiteLok forms post the info and if all goes well takes the user away to a separate success page. As for success and error behavior I am looking to keep the user on the form page or overlay if something like the “Focus” stack is used.
Would value someones opinion regarding the two different Yabdab form options