Foundation 6 Dropdown menu

I’m trying to set up the dropdown menu that comes with Foundation 6. I have a swatch to change the background color of the menu, but the are coming out with a light gray link on white, which is very nearly unreadable. I’m pretty sure that I can control the submenu background colors with the site style settings, but I’m just not sure what choices correspond to the submenu colors. Alternatively, if I’m supposed to use a swatch, I’m not sure how to tell it to apply to my submenus. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

I think you will need to add a few “swatches” that select the component for Menu Item.

One for background color(Menu Item):

One for text color:

And then a couple(both background and text) for Menu active item:


Thanks, that’s very helpful. I didn’t know about the component option.

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