Future of the Typography Component

I’m curious of in the future we will see support for all of the options available for typography provided by Tailwind.

The list options would be very handy in longform text. I’m constantly finding myself needing to add a list and then have to come up with a hack that never looks right. Or I’m forced to split the content across two typography components with my list in between, which is not optimal. Another handy option would be INDENT, as this would make it a little easier to simulate a list if there was no list support.

The other thing that is missing from this component is support for superscript and subscript. Tailwind does have classes for this but they are not exposed in the typography component. Be nice if they were.

And yes I do know that I can apply some of these classes myself, but that is a lot more cumbersome than exposing the underlying abilities. I’m currently doing this for superscript. Plus I have discovered that some of the classes do not work when applied, for example, indent-1 and list-disc.

Just asking.

Yes, we do plan to expand it in the future, but right now, we need to finish off the typography features we have before adding more options!

In the meantime you could build a little custom component to do these lists for you. Let me know if you need any help with that.

Is there a reason why the list related classes do not work when added to the Classes field as I can use that approach in the meantime. But for some reason some classes do not work when added here, while others do.

Will you please consider adding a COLOR option to the component. I know you can set the color in the theme editor, but I would like to have the option to easily override the global color of the component. I also realize that the color can be set by selecting the text and entering the inline editor. But there still needs to be an easy way to override the color for the entire component. It is way to cumbersome having to go through the inline editor.

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Hi, I am having a similar issue with the lack of superscript support. In Classic, it was easy to embed c tags but I cannot figure out how to do it in Elements. I know it is just my lack of experience as I am not a website developer but I am a software developer. I just need someone to give me an example of how to do it here. If anyone can give me some simple pointers I would greatly appreciate it. Aloha!

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OK, it is a little convoluted but it is possible.

What I have used is to select the actual piece of text that you would like to superscript. This will take you into the inline text editor. Once in there go to the Classes field and paste this class in align-super. This will superscript the selected text. Next I set the size of the text smaller so that it looks better. Normally, I set it to SM. Hope this helps.

Please be aware that there it is not possible to copy a piece of text that has used this approach. It will only copy the text and not the attached class. So anywhere you want to use this approach you will have to follow the same process for each instance.

Ideally, a superscript option will be added to the inline text style buttons so this can be done with a single click. It would also be handy if the style for a super or subscript could be setup in the typography section of the theme editor.

Aloha Robin,

I just realized that you are on Kauai which makes your reply even more appreciated. I’m on the Big Island. Thank you for the solution/fix for this issue. It works fine and will not be that big of a deal to add it. Of course it will be better when it’s built in to the typography. I am a novice of using both Classic and Elements and the last time I actually built a website was in 1992 for my architectural company so I am out of touch with the web designer world a bit, but trying to catch up.

So, I have a startup company that has a telemetry software product that is similar to RW Elements with regards to changing how a traditional industry does things. We started with out of the box thinking about how we would do differently what SCADA does via legacy tools. It was an in-house tool at first then once we realized its potential, we decided to make it a commercial product.

Why am I doing my own website instead of hiring a professional? Partially because of budget, but more because I knew I would have to do all the graphics and text anyway, so I decided I might as well just do it myself (I think you did the same). Also I want to be able to edit and update things myself. How hard could it be? :slight_smile: That said, I am open to hiring someone to help me get it up quick and to the level of your company’s beautiful website. So, if anyone reading this wants some extra work helping me, let me know.



I’m having another frustrating issue stemming from my lack of experience. No matter how I try, I can’t seem to get the Image centered in the cards once I size them less than 100% ??. I’m using Reveal to create a slight animation of a zoom on rollover. I’ve tried Grid, Flex, etc. The Text elements center fine. Do I need to put the image in a separate container?

Small “c” superscripted using your fix…

How I did it in Classic with tags…

This is what I am trying to achieve in Elements that I did in Classic with Foundry…

What settings are you using in the Spacing section of the settings? Typically if you set the MARGINS for left and right to AUTO it will center the image.

BTW, I was just on the Big Island to look at the latest eruptions, got back a couple of days ago. I could certainly help with your website, if needed.

Hi Robin, I just got home late from a project in Waimea. Anyway, I don’t know how I missed that. Too late at night and missing steps that I thought I tried?? Yes, with Margins set to Auto, it does center. I think the fact that I didn’t know early on that you could collapse all of the inspector’s options probably aided in missing things from menu overwhelm :slight_smile: (I wish it was a default every time you open a project to start with them all collapsed) But every day things are becoming clearer and starting to click. It helps to get more than one day a week to learn new software and now with Elements becoming more usable I plan on putting in more time.

Anyway your offer to help is much appreciated. I am actually working on the Grand Hyatt Resort on Kauai where our software is being used to control their energy system. So at some point I hope we get a chance to meet.