I’m curious of in the future we will see support for all of the options available for typography provided by Tailwind.
The list options would be very handy in longform text. I’m constantly finding myself needing to add a list and then have to come up with a hack that never looks right. Or I’m forced to split the content across two typography components with my list in between, which is not optimal. Another handy option would be INDENT, as this would make it a little easier to simulate a list if there was no list support.
The other thing that is missing from this component is support for superscript and subscript. Tailwind does have classes for this but they are not exposed in the typography component. Be nice if they were.
And yes I do know that I can apply some of these classes myself, but that is a lot more cumbersome than exposing the underlying abilities. I’m currently doing this for superscript. Plus I have discovered that some of the classes do not work when applied, for example, indent-1 and list-disc.
Is there a reason why the list related classes do not work when added to the Classes field as I can use that approach in the meantime. But for some reason some classes do not work when added here, while others do.
Will you please consider adding a COLOR option to the component. I know you can set the color in the theme editor, but I would like to have the option to easily override the global color of the component. I also realize that the color can be set by selecting the text and entering the inline editor. But there still needs to be an easy way to override the color for the entire component. It is way to cumbersome having to go through the inline editor.