Gallery Stacks 3 & Easy CMS question

When I try to add an Image to Gallery Stack 3 (pressing the blue PLUS button) the popup window “only” displays:
Image+Thumbnail 400px
Pulse CMS Gallery Integration
Pulse CMS Blog Gallery Integration

In the Demo it shows more and different options:
Image+Thumbnail 400px
Remote Image
Total/Easy CMS Image Integration
Total CMS Gallery Integration
Total CMS Blog Gallery Integration

I would like to use the Total/Easy CMS Image Integration with the Gallery Stack how can I do that?
I have Gallery Stack 3.1.4 and Easy CMS

My setup:

Demo setup:

Do you have the EasyCMS stacks installed?? If not, that Child of Stack will not show (this is what those stacks are called, child of stacks)


Hi Marc,

as described in the tutorial, these come with Total CMS:

For the CMS Integration stacks, download Total CMS v1.2 latest beta. No Total CMS licence is required for Easy CMS Image Integration.

If you have further setup problems, don’t hesitate to send me an email.


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Hello Robert,
Yes I have Easy CMS installed.

Hello Jannis,
Thank you for the information! I’ll try that and let you know how it went.

Me again,
Jannis, that did the trick! Thanks a lot for your prompt help!

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