GoCMS and date format

Hi @yabdab,

is there any way to change the date format on the GoCMS blog to make it more UK-friendly?




What is “UK-friendly” ?

The international format* is the official way to go these days.

The international format defined by ISO (ISO 8601) tries to address all these problems by defining a numerical date system as follows: YYYY - MM - DD where. YYYY is the year [all the digits, i.e. 2019] MM is the month [01 (January) to 12 (December)] DD is the day [01 to 31]

Sadly, I’d argue that looks wrong to UK users who expect to see a DD/MM/YYYY. The ‘International format’ reads like something that hasn’t been localised and IMHO implies a sloppiness - which isn’t fair.

ISO 8601 is ‘people-unfriendly. People are comfortable with their “natural” date formats.’

If there’s any way you can make it possible to change the date format, I think it would be fantastic.




The “U.K. DD/MM/YYYY” vs “U.S. MM/DD/YYYY” is very confusing to users especially before the 13th day of any month.

The ISO date isn’t perfect either, but better than country or region hard coded formats, even the W3C states:

ISO 8601 is people unfriendly. People are comfortable with their “natural” date formats.

Long dates if you have the space which use either the full or abbreviated name of the months and four digits for the years Would be less ambiguous.

I will see if I can add date format option in next update of Go CMS.


… and please do so for German format too :slight_smile: thanks

That would be much appreciated. Thanks a lot.

I have a beta that adds date formats yyyy-mm-dd AND dd-mm-yyyy

If you would like to test it, please send an email to support -at- yabdab -dot- com

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