Good/best online image editing site?

I’m about to make a how-to video for some clients covering editing images and preparing them for the web. So that they don’t have to load up apps etc. i figured I’d used an online editor. Only, I use apps on my Mac, so I’ve little idea what is good.

Has anyone any recommendations?

I edit in Photoshop myself, but this one seems to do the job. Just did a test and it works. It’s free.


Unless I’m missing it, there doesn’t seem to be a compression tool?

No. I found no online editor that supports compression.

You could use for compression. Will do multiple formats.

I’ve found, and tried this: Photo Editor : Pixlr X - free image editing online

It seems to cover everything; editing, compression, filters etc. I’ve ran a few images through it and all seems fine.

Still interested to hear if anyone has anything else to suggest?

Have a look at

Heck yes- for my TCMS clients, I direct them to Squoosh, too. I put a FA icon in front of the following link- and I tell them the width to aim for (e.g., full screen shown below). That keeps it simple.

Shrink your images - (1,500 pixels wide)

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