Hi Forum members, can you check to see if my site loads?

Matthew, Your site loads between 5 and 8 seconds for me on a fast UK service. I had a look at the Timeline in Safari developer Tools and you are doing many things and each one of these adds extra time for the download to complete.

E.g. Google fonts adds to the load time
Font awesome add to the time - can you use small image icons instead?
Google Analytics also adds to the time.
Vimeo is contributing to the overall delay.
The biggest delay appears to be image loading.
Your images are bigger than they should be and don’t appear well optimised. I dropped your watch image into JPEGmini and it went from about 145k to 110k. Also I see that many of your image are too tall for what is being displayed on screen. Each image could benefit from being sized better so that only the part of the image being displayed is downloaded. You would need to trim off or crop what is showing. Many image are huge compared to how small they are shown on screen and for example the Amazon logo looks about 10 times too big.

Each of these things adds to the overall load delay

None of this needs losing any sleep over but if you’re looking for something to do to fill 30 minutes, the image adjustments might make a noticeable difference.

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Hi Mathew,
I agree http://www.webpagetest.org is a pretty cool tool. Over the years I have used lots of tools to help with Websites.

I have to give credit @bon featured this one in one of the advanced tutorials in http://rapidweavercommunity.com/tutorials

My gut says your inconstancy in page load time is not being caused by Mac vs. PC or one Browser or another being used.

Your home page (only one I looked at) has a lot going on. It has 62 requests for files to be served. If just one of the calls gets “hung” it could cause the page to delay in loading.

One of your posts you said it loaded a few times instantly and once or twice barely loaded. That would point me to look at a server issue.

Your page has substantial page weight, so you want to look at what Gary (@webdeer) posted about adjusting image size and optimizing.

As for constancy in load time you ought to take a look at a free account with CloudFlare. Its easy to set up, once your DNS is configured turn on caching.

Hi Doug and Gary,
Again… I REALLY appreciate your input. Right you both are (as you well know). The page was relatively heavy. I went in an drastically reduced the weight of every image on the page. From a quick check (getting info on the old folder of images vs the new folder of images), I shaved more than 2 megabytes off the page.

Onward and upward gents!


I’m in the UK - took 4 seconds to load on 18MB connection

UPDATE: Well, I have run the webpage test a few times this morning (after having slimmed the weight of the page by more than 2 MB in image sizes)… It took longer to load in one test and was much quicker in another test.

hmmm… I guess the server is always going to fluctuate a bit depending on their load.

Hi Matthew,
That is wy I recommended you look at CloudFlare:

I would guess you are running like most of us on a shared host plan; that means any time your server or the server’s network is busy doing something else you can get delays.
Cloudflare would work as a content delivery network.

They have a free account that would work for what you need.

The only think you need to remember is that when you make changes, you need to purge your cache (single button on CloudFlare) or put yourself in development mode(goes to your server for all request for 3 hours).
Check it out the have pretty good help section.


Excellent use of what must be high standard Photographing Entrepreneur mega-site with great responsive features in Opera browser on a mac-mini. *****

My load time is down from a consistent 20 seconds the first couple of days, to around 3 seconds today. Nice work!