How to return to home screen after playing a vimeo clip?

Hi there, I’m very new to rapid weaver but have put together a person website mattgerrand,com, I have used stacks for video thumbnails, but each time a vimeo video finishes play it bring up other other vimeo video selection from my vimeo account but I’m wanting it to drop back straight back to http:/ .

How do I do this? I’ve looked under vimeo setting->embedded and scroll down to “end screens” which is currently set to more video which is what it’s doing but there is no option there to send it the viewer straght back to my sites home page. Even under the call to action option as this still requires the viewer to click some where.

In rapid this is the line that is linked to each thumb nail “r”

Any help would be great.


I don’t have a copy of the theme you are using but if it allows the use of stacks I’d try placing your videos withing a lightbox such as TopBox from Stacks4Stacks. As an example I’d setup TopBox to use a local image, I’d drag in your image of the boy, for the content of the lightbox I’d select stacks. I’d drag in an Embed stack also from Stacks4Stacks. When I click on the image of the boy on your web site it loads the video Just add that address to the iframe url: field within the Embed Stack and setup the iFrame Height to suit your video. After your visitor has finished with the video there is a nice X to close the lightbox returning them to your home page.

If you don’t have access to stacks within the theme then when you setup the link to the video try checking the box “open in new window”. Then when your visitor is done viewing your video they can just close down that tab and be back looking at your home page.

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