How to show the social tag for each pages while sharing the link

Hello friends! I am a RW user in China. I use this program for my own web. In order to do a bit SEO, I tried many times putting social tag for each new page I wrote. However, I still failed to show it while sharing this page link to my Wechat (like a Chinese facetime). It keeps showing the web image, the general one. Someone kindly can help me on this?

The Social Tag in RW is based on the open graph code by Facebook. You might have to add the code which is used by wechat yourself in the header section of every page.

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I see. I guess nobody here can share any experience of wechat with me. Anyway, at least I feel good with knowing where I am wrong.
Thanks Jan.

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A quick Google search seems to indicate that WeChat should use the same Open Graph image tag that Facebook uses. Therefore, adding the image in RW should work.

It also sounds that like Facebook, WeChat caches the preview image. My guess is that you’ll need to find a way to clear the WeChat cache or wait for it to check and re-cache the image. It sounds like there i some type of admin area in the service to do such things.

You could test with a new page that you haven’t shared on WeChat before. Add the proper image to the social tags area and see if that page displays correctly.

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