Iframe in html stack


Hopefully someone can help me out.
I am trying to create an iframe on my website.

It is like a separate window in your normal website projecting another website.

I am using this code:
(<iframe) src=
style=“width:370px; height:280px;
scrolling=“auto” >
offcourse without the ()
Sadly when i try to project the website it doesnt show.
The other site is build on ruby on rails.

Using a “normal” website the code does work.

Hopefully someone can help me out! :slight_smile:

So i have tried the “normal” website which works perfectly.
This site was “HTTP://iwebfaq.org

I am trying to make the site “ https://finnopay.mcw-cs.nl/ “ work

@jabostick i did try the formattig
And i tried different themes.

I think it had something to do with the Ruby on rails…?

VDo you have a link to your website where you include the iframe?

I guess the iwebfaq.org doesn’t allow a iframe include.

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Did you try highlighting all of your code and select 'Ignore Formatting" and/or “Clear Formatting” from the Rapidweaver Edit menu?

There’s something funny going on here. If you use Will’s Embed stack and paste in the URL, the external site - a poem - appears fine. But I’ve messed with the existing code (removing the ‘(’ changing the quote marks to ‘code-neutral’ ones and adding the missing argument at the end and I can’t get it to work.


It’s just not liking those quotes.

Switching theme out made the frame load as expected.

<iframe src="http://iwebfaq.org/site/iWeb_iframe_2.html" width="370" height="280" scrolling="auto"></iframe>


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