Images/Warehousing Stack

Hi there, I’m looking to make warehousing easy, and to ensure image sizes don’t slow things down depending on the platform.

It seems two good choices for this are Srcerer and Repository. I’m looking for ease and an economical solution. Does anyone have experience with either stack or recommendations?

Thanks in advance,

Embed from Stacks4Stacks is free and very easy to use.

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My Warehouse Image stack is free.

Remote resources (warehouse) and “image sizes” are kinda different things. If you are looking for a way to "load and manage images on the server then you are talking about something like Repository. I have a can say works very well.
If you are talking about loading only images (sizes) based on the device size then Srcerer is what you are talking about. I don’t have that one so I can comment.
I think they both still require you to “size” and optimize the images manually.


Thank you!

Thank you Joe!

Thank you Doug!

Srcerer for sure is the best (and most modern) approach for delivering the most appropriate image to any device - it can do this either by supplying a bank of different image widths or by supplying different images for different devices. As @teefers says though, it needs you to do the prep work with the image(s) before linking to the stack.

If you just want to supply a single image for use then make sure you get it to an appropriate size first and fully optimised. You can then use any of the stacks mentioned (including Srcerer) to add it to your project.


As reference (even if it’s only sold in the bundle or repository stack, but hey, it’s Black Friday):

The remote image stack also supports 2 images, one for “normal” displays, one for “retina” (HIDPI) images.

That guarantees that displays with a higher resolution also are able to display a “larger” image, where displays with a lower resolution are loading a “smaller” image.


The two tasks you’ve mentioned in your post are entirely separate things, and the two stacks mentioned are built to do completely different things. I would suggest that before you embark on building the site you take some time to learn the basics. Then, you will be armed with a better understanding of what you want to do and which tools to use.

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