Implementing SEO Best Practices In RW

In our SEO Guide for RapidWeaver, we talked about best practices and top-level theory.

Let’s dive deeper and put some specific actions and tips you can take to improve your websites SEO today.

1) Page Meta

Probably the most important ranking pieces are the page meta areas. These help search engines quickly identify the topic of a page.

Pick a keyword to focus on for a page, and incorporate it in your Page Meta. Access this by selecting a page and going to Page Inspector > General Settings. Change the Browser Title + Folder (page URL) to include the target keyword.

See below as an example:

You know have the page Title + page URL with the target keyword. Let’s take this a step further and head to the 4th tab in Page Inspector, “Meta Tags.”

Here you can enter a description of the page for search engines to show in search results.

Keep the description under 160 characters and include the keyword + business name once. The rest of it should flow naturally and read well for humans.

2) Alt Tags

Each image on your website should have a description - this helps search engines determine what the photo is about and makes your site more accessible. The best rule of thumb: Describe each image so that someone visually impaired could understand what the photo is about. Plus, add your keyword somehow.


I described what the photo was about + included my keywords “concrete repair.” Win, win!

3) Content Structure

Content is still king. Having a solid structured page that answers visitors questions, provides the info they’re looking for, and demonstrates authority is crucial.

For service pages, I recommend the following setup:

  • Override page title (Page Inspector > General)

    • Put the title of the service here (ex: Concrete Repair in Brighton)
  • Overview of service

    • h2 for the title of this section
  • Benefits/Features

    • Put each benefit/feature into a box with a header and small description. The header should be h3 tag.
    • h2 for the title of this section
  • FAQs

    • Each question should be h3, and the answer regular body text.
  • Additional Info

    • You can place other sections as needed, but label each section with an h2.
  • Call to Action

    • Encourage visitors to perform an action such as contact, subscribe, etc.

4) Interlink!

This one is good UX and has proven to be effective at increasing rankings: link between pages/posts. If you have a blog post that talks about concrete, somehow incorporate the keyword “concrete repair” and hyperlink it to your service.

Each service page should interlink to the other service pages. You can do this by creating a list that you copy/paste between each page - place it in the sidebar, for example.

On the homepage, link to every service and the most important pages.

Link where possible. Makes it easy for people to navigate your site, they’ll stay longer, and helps search engines know what’s related to each page.

Bonus Items :gift:

5) Implement Schema Markup with RapidWeaver

Schema markup helps search engines understand the context of your content, enhancing rich snippets in search results.

6) Install SEO-Rx from Chillidog Software

This nifty tool gives each page an SEO Score and actionable steps to take to improve the SEO for your website, page-by-page. Learn More.

That’s it for this round. Can confidently say the above is more important than most items, even things like page speed that people stress over.

Anything you’d like me to cover in the future? Let me know!