Improvements on this?

Any tips on how to improve my website and the way it flows? I’ve tried to be innovative but unsure on it’s success!


Okay, just been there… Theres a lot you can do. As it is, the navigation is just dots, I had no idea where I was once in the site! perhaps include some words in your navigation to help navigate - About / tech solutions / etc / contact. I didn’t know where to go or what I was looking at. What are tech solutions?
The consistent dark background basically leaves me in the dark- could be lighter? or broken up (contrast) - perhaps bigger photos. The Page layout.
I got put off by the jumpy page transitions. Think smooth - to ease the eyes.
Add a Footer to break up the page and give it all something consistent. Theres not really anything that holds it together like a thread that goes through. Banners / footer.
I Hope this gives you a few ideas to begin with and is helpful.

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