Indent paragraphs in blog list

Is there any way to indent a paragraph in a blog post? I’m using WeaverThemes Solitude.

Hi @gallifrey55,

Sure, follow the below steps:

Highlight each paragraph and select “Paragraph” from the HTML selector

Add the below custom CSS to the page inspector >> HTML Code tab >> CSS tab

p {
text-indent: 5%;

You can substitute the 5% with other values, such as:

text-indent: 25px;

text-indent: 2em;

text-indent: 30%;


Percentage is probably preferred for responsive design.

Hope that helps.

Thanks. That’s helpful to know, but the code only indents the first line whereas I want to indent the whole paragraph. Also (I realise I didn’t mention this before) I want to retain the paragraph formatting, in this case italic text.

| dang Dan G. Customer Support, Realmac Software
17 June |

  • | - |

Hi @gallifrey55,

Sure, follow the below steps:

Highlight each paragraph and select “Paragraph” from the HTML selector

Add the below custom CSS to the page inspector >> HTML Code tab >> CSS tab

p {
text-indent: 5%;

You can substitute the 5% with other values, such as:

text-indent: 25px;

text-indent: 2em;

text-indent: 30%;


Percentage is probably preferred for responsive design.

Hope that helps.

It seems like “blockquote” would do what you are wanting then? It indents a whole paragraph.

Maybe I’m misunderstanding though, are you wanting all paragraphs on the page to be indented (every line), or are you just wanting a few paragraphs to be indented?

I think ‘blockquote’ is the nearest to what I want. Thanks for looking into this for me.

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No problem. :slightly_smiling_face: