Is Michael (Yuzool) okay?

I was following along on this thread: Yuzoolthemes? no response? and Rob mentioned this from Yuzool’s latest newsletter:

“I’ve been hit by a personal sledgehammer recently and trying to get back on track and refocus. Take this a note as to why if you have emailed me since Friday I haven’t be able to get back to you as fast as usual. Very sorry about that and hope to be back to normal health and support speed in the coming days. Hang in there and back to you soon…”

Anyone know more about this, is there anything we can do to help or support him?


Haven’t heard anything. We’ve been in contact a fair amount up until recently, so I’ll touch base with him to see if everything’s alright.

I’ve dropped him a note to see if there’s anything we can do, also.


Thanks @dan @nikf and @nimblehost - I’m flattered honestly :relieved: that’s so kind

It’s a family + health issue - my health is OK but just meant I couldn’t work at all last week with worry / stress and have fallen behind and sent a note out in a newsletter as I guessed my inbox was overflowing. I’m usually on top of things everyday so 8/9 days feels like forever away.

Really nice to read this and can feel the strength of the developer community here … very kind guys

Let me reach out if I need anything :sweat_smile:

Hoping to get back to things slowly next week.

Hi Michael,
Good to hear from you. I hope you get well soon. Take care!
Best regards Jannis