Issue with adding the 64 x 64 favicon to my website

I had a new logo designed for my website, and wanted to add it as a favicon. I found the favicon addition page, and it said it would automatically add the png image and size it correctly for the various options listed (phone, iPad, etc). I did this, and all of the sizes fit the boxes correctly EXCEPT for the 64x64 size, where the logo is tiny. I manually deleted, then manually added a (generated by me) 64 x 64 png file, which loaded fine into that box, but again appears tiny. When I uploaded all the favicons, I can’t see that it is actually being used, at least in Safari and Chrome, on my Mac. Is there something different about this size? Any advice would be appreciated.

Favicons were notorious for being cached so even if you had uploaded it correctly it may not show on your computer. Best look on a different device, clear the cache and do a refresh or post a link here so someone can check for you.

My bad for not putting in the link. Can you see the favicon at I find it odd that that one “box” on the favicon page displays incorrectly, while all the others look good. Please let me know if you can see the favicon. It should look like this:
64 x 64 Thanks!

No, not seeing it in Chrome or Safari either.

Under Web icons in RWC this is what my set up looks like which works fine.

This is what mine looks like. Notice the 64x64 classic favicon box icon does not come close to filling the space for some reason. I double checked and it is a 64x64 png.

Now then. I recently updated an RW6 site to RWC and this is my favicon layout -

Remarkably similar to what you have. Checked the website and the favicon has not uploaded. I will get mine fixed later today and will then tell you what I did. Looks like we have the same issue.

When I look at the source code the website of mine that does not work has the line relating to the 64 x 64 favicon.ico missing whereas it is there for the site that works. Pretty sure this issue is not a cache issue now. Not sure if it is a publishing problem, both my sites use the same theme.

It works fine in Preview mode have you checked that?

I can see on your site that the code for the 64 x 64 favicon is a little messed up and is not called favicon.ico which I would expect, but I am no expert. Got to run off now but will get on to this later. If you solve it yourself let me know what you did.

Yes, yours seems to be identical to mine. I have not tried to check it in preview. Please let me know what you find out. Hopefully an easy fix. I tried to manually delete the 64x64, and replace it an authentic one, but it did not help. I did NOT try to delete all of the sizes and replace them one by one. Thanks for reaching out!

Go to the General settings page in RW and make sure the web address you use is HTTPS and not HTTP. Republish and it should work.

Having said that, I did remake my favicon and it was the correct size in the 64 x 64 box. If the above does not fix it resizing the favicon should do it and that is relatively easy.

I will try this tomorrow. I’ll let you know if it works. Thanks for the help!

If it doesn’t work redo your favicon. I pulled the largest one from your website, dragged it into the favicon generator at and then downloaded the file. Dragged the largest generated file into the 180 x 180 box in RW, said yes to RW generating all the others and got this -

Am sure that will work togehter with the HTTPS thing.

Thanks again! Super helpful!

I think I have this done, but am unsure. I finally got the 64x64 box filled in, although I was not asked to republish the pages for some reason. When I go to preview, it does show up correctly. But it is not showing up in Chrome. Do I need to republish all pages again? Do you think that will fix the problem? I tried the page, but that didn’t generate a 64x64 image. And there was code that you needed to add somewhere that I didn’t try to add. The favicon page looks like this now, but again, getting the 64x64 box filled in did not cause the pages to reset. I filled the 64x64 box in with the full size logo that is 1300x1300. Maybe not a good idea? Any thoughts? website is Thanks!

I went ahead and republished all of the pages, and now the favicon show up on each page. Not sure exactly why this worked, but it looks OK to me. Can I ask you to just check the about page and see if the favicon shows up there on If that looks OK to you, I will consider the problem solved. Thanks again for your help!

Yes, it works in Chrome. A bit hard to make out the detail at that size.

You can do a simple drag and drop with no code in but you have this sorted now.

I know it’s hard to read at that size, but it’s OK. Thanks for checking on it!