Kuler SQL pagination in base stack?

Very nice, Gary. That all sounds excellent. Thanks for the progress report and I’m looking forward to checking it out.

What can I say. Surely this is as big a stack as CMS! Excited!

Jon Norris

:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: Herefordshire’s favourite Childrens Entertainer WizardWonky.co.uk ** Book Me Now!

Excellent news Gary … any timescales (dare I ask) ?

Kind regards,



I can say “sooner” rather than “later” … :slight_smile:

@jnorris235, @teefers, @MGS, @mp1963, @josehwitz

Hello everyone,

I am starting to put up the demo site for the Pro Tables … https://demos.kuler.solutions/KulerSQL/pro-table/

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That looks excellent, Gary. Nicely done. Can you clarify “Ordering: True” on the 3rd image?

Excellent work Gary :slight_smile: All we need now is the stack to write data back to the database :slight_smile:

Kind regards,



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“Ordering = Sorting” … the tooltip reads “Turn sorting on or off”. I used the word “ordering” because that is what the datatables.js framework calls it … if it is confusing I should probably change it to just say “Sorting” huh?

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Please also clarify my request - can the data be displayed how I want it displayed (as there at least 15 fields + image) rather than the table listing like you have?

Gary: Wow, this is looking great. Now I’m starting to think about mySQL data I want to collect and use for this!

Ordering vs. sorting was clear enough. Since the MySQL clause is “order by”, I don’t think you’ll miss with either one. I really should have asked a different question, will the query allow an order by in it? I ended up using a view in MySQL and a hidden field in the SQL table stack trying to start off with a particular field sorted. Basically, I’m using a virtual field that displays the full name, but I wanted it sorted by last name to start off.

Yeah, that should just be five minutes to add, said every client and coworker I talk to :slight_smile:

@MGS - I actually just updated the demo page (same link as above) where I have used the following query:
SELECT * FROM table_two WHERE Party='Republican' ORDER BY home_state DESC;

The trick would be to turn Ordering (Sorting) off otherwise the DataTables.js tries to take over and use its own built in sorting.

I am not sure if that is what you are looking for but I hope it is :slight_smile:

EDIT: Also, not that because I have limited the results to “Republican” you can search for Democrat Presidents and they do not show up in the search …

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That works for me, Gary. Thanks.

Also, I love seeing the CSV output button there. And Print is certainly helpful, as well.

Sorry guys, but I’ve been asking for two years now for pagination in the Pro Stack. So, great youve added the Pro querying into the table stack but, please answer my question!!! I’ve asked several times, but no answer. [quote=“jnorris235, post:29, topic:9433, full:true”]
Please also clarify my request - can the data be displayed how I want it displayed (as there at least 15 fields + image) rather than the table listing like you have?
Go on, humour me at last, PLEASE?!

@jnorris235 - I thought that is what we were talking about … I created a PRO Table stack that has pagination incorporated. You can’t add pagination to the base Div or the Pro Div stacks. That is why I created the Pro Table stack so that you can use your own query and include pagination.

When you say “can the data be displayed how I want it displayed (as there at least 15 fields + image) rather than the table listing like you have?”

I do not understand what you mean … A mysql database is in table format already.
The base Div and the Pro Div stacks allow you to display your content in not a table format while the base Table and the Pro Table stacks allow it to be displayed in tabular format.

Neither the base Div nor the Pro Div is set up to use pagination.

I am not sure what you are asking about images, could you clarify, please.

@jnorris235 - perhaps a screen shot or demo page of what you need would help Gary nail it down.

I’d just like to say thank you to @Gary. I’ve been using the Kuler SQL stacks for years and they’re very useful. The new Pro Table stack looks great.

Sheesh! I want this layout

not this

Is it possible - that’s all I’ve been asking!! I have 19 fields to display.

Just Yes or No and I’ll go away.