Large html/php file in resources?

My php script on a HTML stack is now several hundred lines long and growing…
I use TextWrangler to write and sadly the bit of the script I am working on is below the HTML page on RW and it won’t scroll down so I have to cut and paste the whole thing every time I want to publish.

Can I have an editable file in the resources and call it from my HTML page stack?

Please… thank you :slightly_smiling:

Did you try to integrate the code in a text stack or a paragraph stack, instead of in an HTML Stack?
Maybe you can scroll better. Do not forget to ignore formatting.

I have no problems with scroll down in an HTML stack.

Hi Oscar,

Yes tried a text stack but same problem.
The lines of code exceed the size of the RW window and basically when I click on the stack to edit it, the code gets cut off at the bottom of the window with no way to scroll down. Quite annoying.

I might have to set it up as an include file and upload it separately.

I would add a screen grab but can’t see an attachment option here.

Here you can publish your images. Maybe you need to wait. New users can not publish images immediately. But you have joined Jan 7 !?

Perhaps this helps, when the file is on the server.
<a href="">Link to the file</a>
or this
<a href="%resource(php.html)%">Link to the file</a>

But the file is not editable.

I have 600 lines of PHP code. There’s no problem.
Which version of RW and Stack are you working on?


When you saved the php file in TextWrangler as —.txt file, you have the complete php code in the browser window. Otherwise you see only a bunch of code.

Look here!

Hi Oscar,

I have attached 2 grabs. The first is when I click on the HTML stack to edit it. The bottom of the window is as far as I can scroll. You can see that there is quite a bit of code below.
The second grab is after I toggle the Info pane… presto, I can now edit the whole script.

Not sure why that happens but at least there is a work around.



The problem is known to me.
I have this problem too, but only in RW 5.3.2, with Stacks 2, not with RW 6 and Stacks 3.
There is another workaround :wink:
Enlarge the window of RapidWeaver, then all of the code appears.

Pleased to hear that I’m not going mad :slightly_smiling:

My RW version: Version 6.3.7 (15153)
My stack version: 2.7.2 — maybe here is the issue - thought I upgraded!

Thank you for your support.

btw, do you know if the RealMac forum registration form is available as a stack?
ie, the real time checking of an email address being available and valid, etc.

Many thanks,

Unfortunately no information.
I’m only a free moderator :wink: