Launching Pagelit from thumbnail

I’m trying to open a Pagelit modal from an image thumbnail but having some trouble getting it to display.
I’ve tried it using TopBox and FancyViewer but it doesn’t want to play ball.
Has anyone ever tried this themselves?

If you click on the Grazia logo at it opens, but only as a small modal window.
If you resize the browser it opens up to the correct size though, which is odd.
Any ideas?

Could you cheat and make the logo the first page of the Pagelit content?

I’ll need content below it too though.
Maybe I can, if I play around with the z index but it’s not ideal.
I’ll have a fiddle. Unless @1LDskyler has a trick up their sleeve?

You could always try BWD’s Limelight as a launcher/lightbox and see if that works.

It does, yes!
Not sure what they do differently to other modal stacks, but that displays fine!
Thanks Rob

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Dang it!
It must have been picking something up from my cache, it’s not displaying correctly after all.
I’ve tried it using Foundation to see if it was the theme, but still it’s not playing well.

@1LittleDesigner @1LDskyler Can you help? Is there a way to launch Pagelit from a link?

Correct me if i’m wrong, but it looks like you may have found a working solution. If not let me know and I can see if I can come up with a workaround of somekind.

Thanks Jeremy
I’ve tried it in Chrome, Firefox and Safari with a few different modal stacks and it seems to be displaying a small thumbnail which only enlarges if you alter the window size whilst it’s open.

The same on an iPhone. It displays small until you rotate the device to landscape and then shows fine when back to portrait.
Are you able to replicate the effect though?

screen record

Did you ever find a solution to this? Co-incidentally I need to do something similar with Pagelit in a Limelight lightbox.

Not yet no, I haven’t.
I think (hope) that @1LittleDesigner is looking into it for us though?
What do you think Jeremy, is it possible?

Is this the sort of thing you are trying to do?

Nice site Frank, lovely!
I need Pagelit to launch from the link in separate image though.
Not sure how to do it as it seems to open in a small modal window in all the lightbox stacks I have.

Could I get you to contact us at:

We have a pre-release update for you to try out. The update helps the stack identify when it has been opened inside of a 3rd-party popup/hide/show stack. That way it can adjust its size accordingly.

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Good job!
Yep, works great with BWD’s Limelight stacks

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