Live Search: a search stack that works on accordion stacks!

About six months ago I asked if anyone knew of a search stack that could work with accordion stacks and open up the contents correctly to find searched terms inside of the accordion. Many people told me it could not be done, as did the developer of my Squeezebox accordion stack. Just not possible to do this. I searched far and wide, and eventually tried out Live Search from onelittledesigner. Lots of initial problems and glitches, but Jonathan, the developer, patiently worked on this with me for the past six months to modify Live Search to enable this function. He was great to work with, and it took a lot of effort on his part, but he finally got it work properly! Live Search can find search terms within accordion stacks and open the accordion to the correct place to show the answer. Takes a bit of extra work to set it up, but it meets my needs perfectly. The only issue is that it won’t work completely if there are multiple accordions on a page, which most people won’t have. If you are interested in a search stack for websites that have accordions, check out Live Search!


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