Looking for a Photo gallery with captions

I am looking for a photo gallery that I have captions for each image.
I love the way gallery 3 works, but don’t see the option for captions.
I am building a jewelry store site and each piece needs a caption.

Hi Linda,
Gallery Stack 3 has a lot of caption options, either for grids, as also for lightboxes. Please send me an email so that I can help you in detail.

Cheers, Jannis


Hi Jannis, I have the same question as Linda. Specifically I would like to replace the “Stacks Image #” with a custom caption.

  1. Click on the image
  2. Make sure Inspector is open
  3. Go to prefs (far right button in Inspector)
  4. Add file name in the Alt Tag field
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Thank you Man! I’ve got it.

Here it is described: https://instacks.com/gallerystack/tutorial/#basics

“Change Photo Captions…”

Thank you Jannis; getting there, one step at a time