I have a long piece of legalistic writing, with clauses and subclauses and sub-subclauses. I therefore need to have nested hanging indents as shown in the screenshot below.
The ideal solution would be a stack where I could paste the entire document, then for each group of nested items, select it and apply the appropriate level. (Sort of like selecting text in edit mode and then applying a bullet or numbered list.)
It would also be OK if I had to enter some type of code at the start and end of each block. I could even do the numbering manually.
Some sort of “super tab” would also be OK, where I put one, two or three TABs at the start of a block and the entire block (not just the first line) gets indented.
Any help to a stack or procedure would be greatly appreciated. I am trying hard to avoid extensive HTML and CSS techniques, for example, like List #5 shown here: enter link description here