Nested lists using Styled Text controls is not working

Hey - Anyone noticing the Styled Text controls in the bottom toolbar to create nested lists is not working? You get two bullet points instead of an indent then a bullet point? Thanks

Yep, I get that here on three different themes from different devs as well.

I donā€™t use the Styled Text page type any longer so hadnā€™t spotted this but it looks like a bug.

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confirmed in Styled Text pages and submitted to @dan and @simon as a bug report via email.

Yes it a bug. I was pulling out my hair the other day when I tried to create a bullet list or remove the numbered list after I c/p it over from Word.

When I remove the numbered list, it get replaced with bullet and cannot be removed.

The bug is a problem and needs to be fixed. But a reminder: you make your life much easier if you learn the basics of markdown. Takes less than 1 hour. Zippo problems with markdown stack (or markdown page). Indent to your heartā€™s delight! Plus headings, bold, blockquotes, etc. are all much easier and reliably positioned.

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yes. markdown. +1
makes this sort of thing a sooooo much easier.

(and it even works here on forum)

  • one
  • two
  • three
    • four
    • five
    • six


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Markdown solves soooo many problems. It even solves lots of potential problems with lists. For example, letā€™s say I change my mind and I want my 20 list item to be unordered instead of ordered. What a pain to change everything! With markdown all I need to do is change the first item (change from ā€œ-ā€ to any number). And with markdown you donā€™t need to number things correctly. Itā€™s list-smart. If your list goes 1, 5, 23, 54, 2 and so on it will still number it correctly: 1,2,3, etc. And you can combine ordered and unordered with zero problems.

Willā€™s wonderful Lister stack essentially requires the markdown stack in order to use it. And that gives you a ton of additional flexibility when it comes to lists.

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FYI, Iā€™m getting this on a stacks page as well. I was in a rush this morning before work so Iā€™ll double check tonight but it was a stacks page, paragraph pro (big white duck), in the Marvel theme.

(The Markdown stack was acting a bit funky too but, again, I didnā€™t have a ton of time to properly play around with it)

Jason: I donā€™t know what you mean by ā€œfunkyā€ but there are a couple of key things to keep in mind when using Markdown and lists:

  1. a list needs a line break before and after it begins/ends. This means that a list should not look like it begins on the next line after the previous content. There should really be a blank space.
  2. markdown (unlike Word, etc.) does not make a distinction between 1, 2, 3 line breaks. That is, things donā€™t end up spaced further apart. If in doubt, or still seeing funkiness, simply add another line break before/after your list.

The funkiness was that it wasnā€™t taking on any bullet styles, it was just asterisks. It also gave me a full border around the box, which I hadnā€™t applied.

I imagine those other two issues are either some carelessness on my end or something to do with the themeā€™s css (and thus different from this original threadā€™s issue). Iā€™ll try and get some screenshots/urlā€™s this evening though

Also helpful to have a URL if possible. For unordered lists: were you using dashes (-) or asterisks (*)? Both should work, but just double checking.

Full border has nothing to do with markdown. But itā€™s certainly possible a specific theme has a very particular style for lists. Not sure about that in the case of Marvel.

You can see it here: at the very bottom of the page.

However, this is how it looked after I went into my cpanel/file manager at lunch and played around with things. The attached screenshots show a before/after I made the edits. Take a note of the ā€˜pre-codeā€™ and ā€˜codeā€™ settings in the inspector.
I had to track those down in the theme css. So it was just a stop-gap fix, Iā€™ll either use a different stack or look at things more closely when i have time.



Again, disclaimer that I very easily could have missed something in my rush this morning, so not claiming a bug in stacks or anything just yet. But itā€™s there for your info/interest

The styled text subsystem in RapidWeaver is used in every type of page that uses styled text, that includes Stacks, blogs, andā€¦ well, pretty much every page (but not HTML or Markdown).

The Styled Text page type is just a page-wrapper around the styled text system. And similarly, the Text stack is just a stack-wrapper around the same system.

So if thereā€™s a bug in a Styled Text page, youā€™ll always be able to see that same bug inside of a Text stack as well.


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Again, Markdown will solve this problem.

ā€¦ but Iā€™m also noticing your first two lists arenā€™t really styled nicely. When a list point runs over one line it does not nicely indent.

ā€¦ if you do lists often for different kinds of things you really may want to consider using the Lister stack. Gives you great flexibility (and FontAwesome). More here:

Attached is one Lister example. I can control bullets, spacing between items, size of text, and much more.

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