Lost project file

This is a very rookie question, but here goes.

In November I did a lot of test work on a website. It involved RC pro and Light Page etc. The client then got held up, and I moved onto other things.

Now I need to complete that project but I cant find it!
I can find one test site, but not the one I had tried out RC Pro.
I cant remember what I named it.
Also had several computer malfunctions. Bought a new computer last week.
I did however find part of it I had published to a test site. Here
Is there a way I can look at the code to find what the project is named?

on another note! I do have Time Machine from those days but not sure how to look into it from my new computer without over riding old ™ back up.
Also still need the project name!
I have tried a spotlight search of .RW6 but no luck

Any help greatly appreciated!


If you have a new computer, unless you copied the RW file(s) from your old system, they won’t be on that new one.

Can you remember a string (phrase or sentence - even partial), maybe

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and search in Spotlight for that, then have Spotlight show any/all results that contain that string in the Finder, there ought to be your RW6 project file - provided you did copy it from your old to your new computer. Good luck!

Thanks. Luckily I was able to find the file on Time Machine.
I must have deleted it by accident! Phew

However that means I have no time machine on my new computer, because I don’t want to override the
Time machine from my old computer with the updated one.

I had hoped I’d be able to rename the folder on my external drive i.e. backups old
But don’t seem to ba able to. So I guess I have to buy a new drive