MagicGellan 2 and Elevator problem in FF - SOLVED

Does anyone have any idea why the MagicGellan 2 Title bar won’t stick in the current version of FF. It scrolls with the foundation page (instead of sticking at the top of the page), leaving no navigation for the site visitor. Works fine in Chrome and Safari. Also Joe Workman’s Elevator stack isn’t working properly in FF either. The arrow only goes down about half the page and then disappears.

Thanks in advance for any help…


MagicGellan2 is working fine in the latest Firefox (v.47), here is a little test with both sticky and fixed example pages:

I suspect that something else on your page is causing your problems . Try a fresh page with a MagicGellan on it and then paste in your other content until it breaks.

Without a link it is impossible to see what else on your page might be causing your problems

Elevator is working fine here in the latest FireFox (v 47)

Thanks for the info, but it’s still not working properly on SilkyWebDesign.Com. Neither is MagicGellan 2. Could you visit the site and give me any ideas as to how to fix the problem? Would be much appreciated.


Tav & Zeebe:

Any suggestions as to why this is happening? Chrome and Safari work fine with both elevator and MagicGellan2. It’s only Firefox v47 (and earlier) that’s the problem. I’ve checked it on two different computers and it’s the same problem.

I’ve tried a blank page and only added a Foundation’s site styles stack and a Magicgellan 2 stack and I get a message that RW has detected duplicate files ie.

Duplicate Pages Found on Your Server
Foundation has detected 2 versions of this webpage on the server:
You can use the buttons to easily choose which file to remove form the server. You can also use your favorite FTP program to do this as well.

Remove HTML File Remove PHP File ×

I’ve tried to remove the PHP file but it won’t delete it. I’ve tried to find it in Cyberduck and Filezilla, but haven’t found it. If I click on the index.PHP file above I get a 404 file not found message. The index.html file opens up a video on my site.

Could this be the cause of the problem and what can I do to remedy the situation?

Thanks in advance for any help…


Did you try to simplify the problem and try a MagicGellan2 on a fresh page? That will definitely work.

Just looking at your page I strongly suspect that the problem you are seeing is due to the pace whirling effect that you have added to the page body. It is most likely that this is breaking all fixed position elements on the page in FF. Try removing that and see if it fixes your problems.

I went to this page and you are NOT using the Foundation theme there, but you are using the Blank Theme. So you would have to switch to the Foundation theme.

As what @tav says, start with a fresh page on a demo site, add the content (do MagciGellan2 first then elevator, then the rest of the content), preview the page in Firefox and when it starts breaking, you have your culprit.

About what might be causing your issues, my first guess would be to remove that spinning animation.
First, looks like crap, the only type of animation that I think looks good on page load is a subtle fade in.
Second, anyone with motion sickness will never go to your site again.

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Yeah, yeah, I know, I added that yesterday morning just for fun. It does look like crap and is no longer there. But that didn’t cause the problem (because it was just added). I do have many different fade-ins and other ‘mild’ animations on the site and I’m not sure whether they could be causing the problem. I’m going to remove them ALL and re-publish the site and if that’s the cause of the problem slowly add them back one at a time to find the culprit.

Thanks for the advice about the appearance of that animation and also what it could do to my business (the motion sickness part:scream:). But it was only a temporary thing. I got sick looking at it.:scream:


Mystery solved.

I started to remove one animation at a time and then check MagicGellan2 and the Elevator stack, and looks like I got lucky. The first stack I removed was the ‘Mover’ stack and lo and behold all seems to be working well with the navigation sticking to the top of the page, and the Elevator stack is working properly also.

Strange that I’ve had the Mover stack on my site for many months without any problems. Must be something in RW 7 that’s causing the conflict.

Anyway thanks much for the help guys. I really appreciate the time you took to assist me.



Not sure what ‘page’ you’re referring to. I only have a two page site using the Foundation theme and they’re both using Foundation not the Blank theme.

Please elaborate…

Thanks, Barry

This is the URL I went to and that was the Blank theme


That is an html ext. which shows a video. You typed in an htm ext.which shows a 404 error.

Thanks very much for your help, though. Really appreciate it.


Glad you got it sorted out :slight_smile:

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Yeah, but these are 16 oz German steins filled to the brim with the hot stuff.

Thanks for the comment on the ‘combustion engine’. But, you see caffeine, I am actually selling combustion engines and not websites. And the engines are selling (in the immortal words of Larry David “pretty…pretty…pretty good!”


Ok, you win.
Can’t beat that one.
But how’s your driving, sleeping, golfing, talking, sex life, web design, driving, and can you walk a straight line?:scream:

Thought so…anyway, wanna buy a combustion engine. I’ve got them on sale now. They’re the old version. I’ll be adding a dozen or so new animations in the near future that will make those engines REALLY hum…but, of course the price will increase to cover the cost of the fade-ins, flips, slide ups, slide downs and all the other animations I can find.

BTW, that’s not the home page. It’s a Foundation site so that is the entire website on one very long page. There is, however, a separate contact page.

So I can cram many more animations onto the site…so there. You may have me beat in the Barista department, but I’ve got you beat in the shake a leg dept (and anything else I can find to animate).:wink:

BTW, I know you’ll be up all night working on that swimming pool of a coffee cup, but I’m going to hit the sack. It’s 1:20am and those 16 oz’ers just don’t keep me up all night like they used to.

See ya’
