Foundation help

Can anyone tell me what’s happening here? I made some changes to this site ( and now the home page is acting funny.

The Top Bar menu disappeared, the three Focus modals at the top aren’t launching (map, email, and phone) and what was once a Moving Box slideshow is now just a stack of images in a single column. If you compare that to this page, for example: the menu shows, the Focus form works…

The only thing I did was enable a previously hidden Testimonials page (using Feeds). Any suggestions?

I am using Foundation stacks 1.7.4, Foundation theme 1.7.0, and RW7(17449b).

I tried a 'Re-publish All Files" once already as well. Any thoughts?

Downgrading to Foundation 1.7.3 seems to have fixed this. I’ve sent Joe a message as well.

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