Menu Bar behaviour

Hi @dan

today I finally had the chance to play around with Elements. I used a project what in parallel I develop in Foundry 3.

I now have some questions on the menu bar where I am not sure weather it is the Beta status, my lack in experience or …

I put a menu in a container expecting that the menu is then exactly as wide as the container


But it is smaller

Also it seems to be different on the left and to the right.

We are in the process of redoing the current Menu component (as well as adding additional menu components), so hang tight on this one.

Hopefully we’ll have something new in the next week or two.


Thanks @bon
No worries I can easily focus on other parts and leave the menu till it is redone.

This may be a stupid question but where do I find the Menu component?
I am using B31 (23180) and can’t see it on the components. What is the trick to adding one?

@RussOggi255 On the Components tab > Navigation > Standard. :slightly_smiling_face:

Ah, I saw screenshots of it called Menu and thought I was missing something :frowning: