Menu/Navigation Stack


I am recreating my site and I would like to know if anyone can help with a Menu/Navigation Stack. I am not using either Foundry or Foundation. I am going for a clean look/design. I have been looking for a Menu/Navigation Stack that will give me the same look/effect as this website

Does Anyone know of a stack that I can use that will let me do this same effect?

Take a look at
Clean menu from one little designer
Navigation stack from yuzoolthemes

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I have clear menu from one little designer but the menu items are to the right.

Yuzool’s navigation stack has a centered menu option

There are several examples on 1LD’s site which show a centred version of Clean Menu.

I can’t get Clean Menu to have drop downs for the sub pages. I have tried using a blank from Foundry and Themeflood.

Here is the sample file…

could you please email me that fie at

is there a way i can get it to look like this:

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