Quick question. I’m with GoDaddy, (sweet jebus, save me), and I’ve found trying to use their SSL system a complete and utter NSFW TIRADE of a cluster-fudge. So, Clouflare to the rescue. If I’m using cloudflare, and I check the “always use HTTPS” toggle to “ON” and setup a page redirect to force HTTPS as well, do I still need to put in a redirect into the .htaccess file?
Thanks @teefers quick follow up - I feel like the always use HTTPS toggle “on” means you shouldn’t need the page rule. All the instructions I’ve seen have it, but they’re all a few months old, so I’m wondering if CloudFlare added this toggle, making the page rule redundant.
Always use HTTPS
Reply to all requests for URLs that use “http” with a 301 redirect to the equivalent “https” URL. If you only want to redirect for a subset of requests, consider creating an “Always use HTTPS” page rule.
I have always used page rules, but I don’t remember that toggle before. If you’ve got it set you can test it by trying http requests and see if they come back secure.