Multilingual website - YES!

A while back, I was approached by a local law firm that needed their website revamped into a dual language site. It was very important to them that they no longer rely on Google Translate - they felt their Spanish speaking visitors deserved a website in their native language. I wasn’t entirely sure about taking on the project, but thanks to a great project file called Speak Pro from Foundation Box Studio, the job was much easier than I expected it to be. I used the project file as a foundation (no pun intended) and then built off of it, adding a wonderful Services section, a Teams section and a Videos section - all of which the client can add/delete/edit as needed. As a long (long) time user of Rw, Foundation and TCMS (lol, one of my clients was literally the FIRST to have TCMS in their site), this was the perfect vehicle to really learn F6.

So, if you are approached about building a dual (or more) language site, my suggestion is to say YES - and then spend a few dollars on Speak Pro, a TCMS license (and F6 if you don’t already own it).

Many thanks, @davidefan & @joeworkman & Speak Pro
If you’re interested in checking it out, my client’s site can be found here:


Superb website, Dave!

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