My Stacks page keeps jumping to the top


My Stacks page keeps jumping to the top every time I move or add any stack.
I know this problem is documented here, but I think I have found the culprit, and this is the embed code from Mailchimp.
Maybe a simple link to a landing page would help, but I wonder if there would be a way to clean the code in order to be able to use it in a lightbox !?

without seeing the code it’s hard to say.

Many times when you copy any code, if you miss an opening or closing tag can cause the problem.

If you remove the code from the pages stop jumping to the top, then I would try to “recopy” the code from MailChimp.

It could also be how and where you placed the code into RapidWeaver.

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Number 1 on the most requested Stacks Hit Parade with a bullet!


Yes, I have tried to recopy the code from Mailchimp, I have used it with two different lightboxes that I placed down the page, but it also happens if I try to just leave it in a stack near the top of the page.
Additionally I have access to another mailing solution from my hosting company, that’s pretty complete and included in my subscription, but I haven’t used it yet, because I haven’t had time to learn it. But their code doesn’t cause any problem, and the forms are nicer too… So I may change soon, but a quick fix on what I know how to use already would be nice…

Yes I had seen this already, but thanks anyway!

Have you tried putting the code in an HTML stack?

Yes I have tried both in text and html stacks, basically because I didn’t know what’s best, but it doesn’t seem to make a difference.

I’ve always placed them in an HTML stack (they are HTML).

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I’ll remember to do it that way, now that I know :wink:

But at my hosting company, there’s a choice of javascript or HTML.

What’s best to use?

Without knowing more about the two options it’s difficult to say what might work better for you.

Not sure its relevant but, code aside, Stacks pages will jump even when plain text has unwanted space between words / sentences. Content heavy pages can be a real pain if the content in there isn’t cleaned up. Extra spaces are often inherited when copy and pasting from say Word, and from PDF it’s a lot worse.

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When you are copying from text from any other application into RapidWeaver: Alway Paste as Plain Text option+command+v


I don’t get the difference between the two. They render the same.

I’m positive I’ve answered almost this exact same question here on the forum within the last year.

I’m pretty sure that the HTML snippet that mailchimp provides has some flaw. like it provides a “no-script” tag that includes HTML - but says that you’re supposed to put it in the header – or maybe it provides something that can only go in the header and says that you’re supposed to put it in the body.

i’ve searched the forum for about 20 minutes and came up with nothing. if anyone has any better search-query-mojo, see what you can find, i’d bet the answer to this question is in the previous post.

But assuming we can’t find that other post…

In all cases involving code, the devil is in the details. Please show us what code you’ve pasted into the HTML stack. You may want to actually show us a screenshot of it.


  • Because copy/paste can insert special characters if you have smart-quotes enabled or certain utilities.
  • It’s really easy to accidentally chop off the first or last characters of a code snippet. And those characters are really important. Without them the snippet is not interpreted correctly and can corrupt the rest of the page.
  • Spell-Checking, Smart-Quotes, and other automatic text processing utilities that are wonderful for writing prose are toxic when trying to edit code.

So, I’d say, start there. Let’s have a look at the code and we’ll see if anything obvious is the matter. And we can go from there. :slight_smile:


Yes, @isaiah… but you answered me in Slack, not here :slight_smile: This happened to me as well with Mail Chimp code. You looked at my code and told me to take something out… I can’t remember what. It was fine after that.

Here is my code:

<!-- Begin MailChimp Signup Form -->

<div id=“mc_embed_signup”>

<form action="//;id=e246da3bc3" method=“post” id=“mc-embedded-subscribe-form” name=“mc-embedded-subscribe-form” class=“validate” target="_blank" novalidate>

<div id=“mc_embed_signup_scroll”>

<input type=“email” value="" name=“EMAIL” class=“email” id=“mce-EMAIL” placeholder=“email address” required>

<!-- real people should not fill this in and expect good things - do not remove this or risk form bot signups–>

<div style=“position: absolute; left: -5000px;” aria-hidden=“true”><input type=“text” name=“b_74ddb42986e3ca26e16a386c1_e246da3bc3” tabindex="-1" value=""></div>

<div class=“clear”><input type=“submit” value=“Subscribe” name=“subscribe” id=“mc-embedded-subscribe” class=“button”></div>




<!–End mc_embed_signup–>

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