Newbie looking for advice on buying stuff this weekend

I JUST downloaded RapidWeaver from Apples App Store. BRAND new to webdesig. Played two hours with a friends WP site but not in love with the user interface of WP. Maybe because I do not know much. Planning to watch videos about RW this weekend.

Are there any extra/add-ons that is necessary and that is smart to buy this weekend since it seems to be a lot of great offers? Kind of no-brainers to get and that I will ba angry on Tuesday that I did not get while at 50% off :-).

Stacks plugin from youhead
Would be the very first add on to purchase.


Then check out the deals!

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Ok the plug-ins only? Not sure what stacks do at all - brand new!

They have a stacks for $89 but can not see that is a Black Friday item.

Stacks is 49.00.
Not sure when @isaiah will have his sale cyber Monday maybe.

But you need the Stacks plugin (big S)in order to use all the stacks (little s) that the other developers make.

Ok. Will look for it on Monday. Is a plug-in the same as a stack?

Again total newbie. In 6 month from now I will laugh at my questions.

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Would “RapidWeaver 5 Beginner’s Guide” be a good book to start with?

No, two totally different things

Ok. Why is that? I kind of love both written books and video tutorials

There are a few differences between RW 5 and RW 7, but the overall basic talk of the book still applies today.

Aha I thought so. I am Swedish but live and work here in the US since 10 years so my English far from perfect!

I kind of bought RW7 based up on the fact that it was a MAC app. Easier to understand. I love DevonThink too and now I have the task to take care of a homepage made in WP but hope I can buy software so it can be changed in RW instead. I am a total newbie and I really appreciate all your help!

I think Scott was referring to stacks and plug-ins as being totally different. Plug-ins add functionality to RW, whereas stacks require the Yourhead Stacks plug-in. RW comes with a number of stock plug-ins (contact form, markdown, html, etc.) and others are available such as Formloom, Rapidcart, Rapidbot, Sitemap Pro, Pluskit etc.

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Hats off to @zeebe for not diving in with Joe Workman’s sale, so I’ll do it for him :wink:

The Foundation framework and stacks are a great bargain if it’s still available.

Themeflood have some great looking cheap themes to start you off as well.

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Go slow, don’t get hung up on the sales. You can spend a lot of money on RapidWeaver add-ons and end up with a lot of stuff you’ll never use.
I would download the free trial version of stacks, and if it goes on sale this weekend buy it. You’re the best bet would be to keep checking your head’s tweeter in the post above.
You might want to look for a theme, many themes are on sale, so if you find one that fits what you’re looking for then buy it.
Floodtheme’s has a large selection, but again make sure it’s something you’ll think you’ll use.
All of stuff including Floodtheme on this post have free trial versions, although you don’t have a lot of time to get the sale price.

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Hi, @BasilFawlty , I would recommend stuff from Will Woodgate @willwood, great stacks and themes and impeccable customer service. Will is always available to help. See some of his websites and check it out.
Very good discounts too …



ok thanks! Will spend some time today and tomorrow to try to LEARN the app itself! I have a friends homepage to play with but that is constructed in WordPress and I am not sure if it is like Pages/Word - that you can open his homepage, change it and then update it on the server again. Or if you have to start to make a new homepage from scratch. Time will tell! Like this forum, seems to an active one.

You can not modify a wordpress page with rapid weaver

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Thanks for the recommendation TINO, without fail I will take a look at these topics, themes and stacks :heart_eyes:

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Ok thanks. Reading up and watching videos trying to get into what RW can do and can not do.