No Padlock because of missing feature in source code

When trying to make my websites save, I used ‘Why No Padlock’.
I got the massage that a form with the action of ‘Google’ exists in the source code of the seed page and that it needs to be updated tot 'https:// etc.
I found this action via View Source, but that I cannot change myself.
Perhaps an update by the builder is needed?
Hope you can help me.
Dick van Hennik

A link to your website would be a big help.

Here the link:

The non https Google link is more than likely coming from the theme itself. I’ve never seen this before.

In addition, the theme you’re using is very old, outdated (not mobile friendly) and is unlikely to ever be updated.

The first thing I would suggest is to choose a more modern RapidWeaver theme.

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OK. Thanks very much for your information. I quite liked the theme, but alas.

In the page source there is a link to use Google for some sort of search. It is http rather than https, so it will be causing the error.

You could edit the theme to remove it but as @NeilUK has said the theme is not mobile friendly, which is increasingly being penalized by search engines , so an update to a newer theme would be a good idea.

Thanks, ever so much. I will fix it shortly.

Met vriendelijke groet,
Dick van Hennik
t. 06-415 622 74
e. /

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