I am having issues with my Rapid weaver blog. I want to make a news style blog but the Rapidweaver doesn’t hold photos very well. I need some sort of blogging that is easy to use and holds up well with pictures. I like to make things look good . Anyone have any input on a good blog platform?
I use typed.com + the blog stack, works well.
Do you pay for it? I see there is monthly fees. Also what about photos? Does it work well with that?
I have a subscription and I put a client on they’re own subscription.
You just drag photos in and they display inline. There are a few themes already and more in the works. Typed.com uses markdown, easy to use.
Example of news style feed using blog stack with typed.com.
Armadillo from NimbleHost is much more than a great blog platform (it’s also a CMS) – and there is no subscription fee.
As an added bonus, you get one of the best support systems among 3rd party developers.
My new Total CMS blog will be dropping this week, if all goes as planned. You can play with the beta now if you like. You can download it from the sidebar here… https://weavers.space/s/cms-for-rapidweaver/
Wow the walkinartcenter is looking sweet ! Very nice work there !
Thanks, foundation site btw.
Do you have any examples ?
Is there a search option for the people reading the blog ?
Yes. My blog has search. The following site is power by my new blog. In fact all of the content throughout the entire site is managed by Total CMS.
You are able to use the free subscription model from Typed.com in combination with Blig Stack. So no monthly fees.
If I get the blog stack and typed will I be able to add pictures ? I need a blog that allows me to add cool pictures with my writings.
@VenusRising - in what sense does the built-in blog page not ‘hold photos very well’? It has its critics but I’ve not heard this one before.
I just wondered what it is you want to do that the blog can’t handle, picture-wise?
my rapidweaver blog has trouble with the photos. They come out bigger sized than what they went in as .
Not sure if I’m wording that right. . But my Rapidweaver blog can’t do a photo display. I like to take many pictures for each post and I need a way to display them with the post .
Do you mean a slideshow?
I don’t know exactly which problems you have with the standard RW blog w/o seeing a link.
But Blog Stack + Typed.com is supporting photos, see here: http://walkinartcenter.org
YOU BETTER BE working on that CMS BLOG!
I also want a blog where people can search the topics