Open letter to RealMac/RapidWeaver - RW7 Publishing Issues


I love RW 7; love it! It’s by far the best version of RW in my ten years’ experience of it. And, IMHO, the best of breed for (Mac) web creation tools.

Having listened to every podcast since your first one, I also feel I have a pretty good sense of how you all at RM work; as a result I have not a second’s doubt about your dedication and talents.

But - I have reported three or four significant bugs by email over the last two weeks and received one auto response and one actual reply, acknowledging the bug in the use of Styles. I also wrote to you and Ben asking if you could help with these, and the fact that metatags appear to be duplicated in this version, and how moving Addons is a but… shaky :slight_smile:

Obviously you too are overwhelmed - and sunning yourself here in California :slight_smile: Good for you!

But to feel that requests and reports are mounting and may be going into some sort of vortex, never to emerge for days on end is discouraging to users struggling with them.

I think the vast majority of users support the whole enterprise and wish you well. We’re grateful for such a fantastic tool.

But probably puzzled about how some of the faults mentioned elsewhere in this thread slipped through the beta testing process. A process for which, BTW, we all owe you and the participants a huge debt of gratitude; no question!

Particularly, in my case, the changes to managing Styles that now make it impossible to modify Themes and the bug in Local Folder paths, which - as acknowledged - is being worked on. Thanks!

In any case, please don’t take any of the points in this thread personally, nor as mere whingeing.

I believe that - rightly - we’re on your side, and want to work with you to make 7.0.3 or 7.1 the best it can be.

I’m also totally confident that you can do so. Good luck!