Turn off Component description

It would be nice to be able to toggle displaying the component description that appears in the top left when a component is selected. Sometimes it obscures all of the text I am trying to type.
Screenshot 2025-03-05 at 15.41.51


It would be better positioned outside of the component attached to the border top left i.e. just above where it is at the moment.


I had also requested this early on in the beta process and still feel it would be very useful for previewing layouts.

You can turn them off by clicking outside page in the editor but they will still show up on hover.

This should probably be added to the feature wish list.

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Maybe a quick solution would be to add a margin top (mt-4) in edit mode in all components - that’s what I’m doing :slight_smile:

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Oh god, please don’t do that! This breaks the WYSIWYG advantage of Elements. We’re not in stacks land anymore, Dorothy!

And if you needed convincing, this post sums up the visual differences and HUGE advantages of how things look in Elements. Just compare the two screenshots :exploding_head:

We’re going to add an option in the editor to hide the labels when needed, so this won’t be an issue.


Those screenshots don’t show the hover events for the labels - people will want to know what element they are over, otherwise they will get a little confused. When there’s text right at the top left, then there’s a problem - hiding the label just creates another problem.

Were adding “options” to the editor so people can choose what they need at the time. Wait for the next build.

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I generally work with the node tree so I know which component. I rename the nodes to meaningful names so I know what I am selecting. For me the label just gets in the way. To each their own

I think everyone in this thread will appreciate the next build of Elements :wink:


Relase date? :slightly_smiling_face:

No later than March 11th 2025 :blush:

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