Passport check failed. You will need to register a passport to use TotalCMS further

Hi guys, I have always had issues with total CMS.

I have completely redone my webpage, and when I went to add my blog, I was getting this message: “Passport check failed. You will need to register a passport to use TotalCMS further.”

I am using my license for this domain witch has been installed.

Would the license create an issue if the original domain started with an HTTP:// instead of HTTPS://

The address for the blog post is:

Other than that, I can not figure out what the issue might be.

Thank you for your help.

Jason Hofmann

I put the debug stack and it informed me that Total CMS Passport Check: {“status”:false,“info”:“Domain trial period expired”,“trial”:false}
But I am using the same license as the previous webpage at the same domain unless the https and http are creating issues.

At the bottom of the support page you can see what domain your license is registered to.

Http,https,www do not matter for the license.

Are you sure you have the lic no in the admincore stack on the blog edit page?

I just deleted the license code and reinstalled it on all blog pages.

and I am still getting the same issue.

I just got my Total CMS License Report


license #1 is Not Assigned|
license #2 goes to|

I put in license #1 in all of my total cms blog pages but it looks like its still not working.

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