Hello, i write you because i have got problem of plug-in with my website. When i want to put video. m4V of presentation of me it’s not possible to make it on internet with safari,google ,firefox and chrome. I work on i mac os Hight Sierra , processeur 2,7 GHz intel Core i5. version 10.13.6. I put this video with a new application of quicktime player.
It’s probably a problem of your update.Can you found a solution please. I thank you in advance and i would be happy to get a good solution of this problem.
Have a nice day and i’m waiting for our answer.
The file format .m4v is an apple protected file format that I think you can only play through iTunes and only then if the computer is authorised. This is usually due to copy protection - if you buy a film from the iTunes store it is in .m4v format.
You need to convert it to an MP4 file before it will play through any of the video players that are available for rapidweaver (this assumes you own the rights to the video).
Hi i try to put it to an mp4 and it’s the same. It’s impossible to get video by this way.
i need to progress version on rapidweaver 5.3.2 for quicktime player and i gave them my email and they don’t give me any answer and details for my problem.
Not sure what to suggest but in the hope that others might help…
Have you got a link to your site?
How are you embedding the quicktime in the web page? Using a stack?
The easiest solution that most people use is to put the video on a hosted solution (e.g. Youtube or Vimeo) and then either embed a link to the video or use a video playing stack to make it look nicer. However version 5 of Rapidweaver is quite old (the earliest I ever used was 6) so not sure what would work.
Sorry I can’t be more help
Quicktime is not used any longer…
that is the point of using .mp4 versions of video.
and the quicktime player was never made for the web.
My link is karinecollomb.fr i need to use quicktime player to pressent me on video. quicktime is 5.0 and i put on my mac the new version. its written export site to see movie
You are using an antique theme with and antique version of quicktime…and a very old version of RW…
if i change the version its going to cancel or clear my website?
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