Problem with Text Justification

I have run into a problem where I have some LEFT-justified text that looks correct within elements, but when I view it in a browser, it becomes center-justified. See the attached screenshots.

I’m not sure if this is something I did wrong somewhere or a bug. I checked the paragraphs’ settings, and they are correctly set to left-justified.

Worth noting is that there are a number of other paragraphs like this one, all with the same problem. The only difference between them and the paragraphs below them is the size of the font.

OK, I think I figured out what the problem was with the justification.

Turns out I had placed the paragraph within a flex item and once it got beyond a certain width (width of the text) it never grew so the text appeared centered. I looked at the generated code, which had the justification setup correctly. So I looked further afield.

Once I moved the parapaph out of the flex item it behaved correctly.

You could also select the Flex item and set the Align option to start. Like in the screenshot below…

I thought I tried that with no success. I’ll give it another go.

this should be fixed in the next beta!

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