Quick Favour: Can you help upvote Squash 3 on Product Hunt?

Hello ya’ll!

Got a quick favour to ask, could you all go and Upvote Squash 3 to help spread the word about it? Here’s the link…

Your support really helps, and would be much appreciated :pray:




Thanks man, appreciated :+1:

Done! We need to get RW9 on PH as well. :slight_smile:

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Thanks man, and yeah RW8 was on there. Will of course get RW9 on there when the time comes. We’re a way off that right now though :slight_smile:

Done mate just upgraded and its brilliant

Glad to hear you like it, and thanks for your support. We’re just in the process of adding “presets” and it’s turning out to be pretty cool :shushing_face:

Done. Great app. so much better than version 2

@IdahoSAM — Thanks so much, glad you like it. We really poured our heart and souls into this one :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: