Quick Question - Cartloom?

Hi Folks,

Anyone know if there is a major update of Cartloom coming? Bit frustrated…:slight_smile: as the requests panel has been a little too stationary recently!

BUT, I still like the product way more than others that have fallen by the wayside…not mentioning names…

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I’m the co-developer of Cartloom what’s up? We can help!

Hi Nick, No major concerns, just a little frustrated in the “reporting” area of Cartloom. The api is limited right now, and I would love to be able to pull stock reports. I know this is a futures thing, and you have that great section in Cartloom that allows us to volunteer enhancements. I know you folks plenty to do, but wondering when we see the next significant update.

Great question, right now the next big thing we’re working on is giving Cartloom sellers the ability to sell subscriptions to their customers, and it’s looking very good.

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