RapidSearch Pro 2 - incomplete search results?

hi Guys,

I have a problem with the Stack RapidSearch Pro.
The tool is set up and working (demo)

However, the search results are not displayed completely. Only the reference and the address of the location but not the full text, I mean the description.

What am I doing wrong?

Please look in my example in the appendix.

Many thanks for the help!


I think the answer could be that the indexed pages have a META description empty…
From the RSP site (https://rapidsearchpro.com/rapidsearchpro/): “If a page does not have a META description, no excerpt of the page will be shown in results - only the page title and URL will be displayed.”

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Thanks for the help, I was able to solve the problem, it was apparently misunderstood. I thought the stack would support a full-page search and extracts for the search term in excerpts.

If it does not, however, must work with the meta tags and the description …

Many Thanks

I’m glad my answer was useful.
Instead I did not succeed in solving the problem with the config.php file; the stack does not generate it in the folder files/rspro (RapidSearch Pro 2.5.1 demo: config.php missing)…
Can you post me the “skeleton” code (without the dB parameters) of your config.php so that I can try to see what happens if I manually create it?


Have you created a database on your webserver, and the name of the database + username in the stack?
I mean to remember that I have deleted everything once and re-played, then it has worked, I had also a failure message in the beginning.

My MySQL server is not on the same server as the web server…
I noticed that the config.php file is created by calling directly (in the browser’s address bar) the stack_page_pageXX.php generated from Rapidweaver and containing the stack.
But although the access parameters in config.php are correct, the admin dashboard says that it’s impossible to connect to the db.
I think this is related to the connection method (PDO_MYSQL DSN)… Maybe the connection method is not supported in my case? It would be interesting to hear the stack developer about that…
In the meantime the stack is unusable for me… :disappointed: