RapidWeaver 8.8 is now available as a universal build

We’re thrilled to announce that RapidWeaver 8.8 is now available for download and is a free update for all RapidWeaver customers.

What’s New?

  • RapidWeaver now runs natively on Apple Silicon
  • Fixed an issue with the publishing engine
  • Many other improvements and fixes to keep things running smoothly

To take advantage of RapidWeaver on M1 Macs you’ll want to make sure all your plugins are up-to-date. Stacks from YourHead Software is one of the most popular plugins for RapidWeaver and also available as a Universal build.

To take advantage of the huge speed gains that the M1 chip can bring, please make sure you are running RapidWeaver 8.8.0 and Stacks 4.2.0 or newer.

To learn more about running RapidWeaver on new M1 based Macs, please take a look at our Help guide on RapidWeaver and M1 Compatibility. This is especially important if you’re using third-party plugins.

Happy Weaving!

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Please be aware that there are only a few plug-ins for RapidWeaver that have released universal builds (Stacks 4.2 is one of them :tada::partying_face:). You will need to update ALL installed plug-ins before you can run in universal mode on M1.

We’re currently in the process of updating almost everything. Here’s a little status update where we are and what’s coming soon…

Here are some of the details:


  • Stacks: v4.2.2 – universal

In the next 2 weeks

  • Accordion
  • Blocks
  • Collage
  • Flow

Soon (see below)

  • PlusKit
  • SiteMap
  • FAQMaker

Discontinued – no universal version

  • Lockdown
  • RapidFlickr

Some of the LogHound plug-ins have dependancies to older SSL libraries that have no M1 counterpart. For these plug-ins we’re currently rewriting that portion of the plugin to use more modern SSL libraries – but this process takes a while – but we’re committed to this update. Please be patient.

Lockdown and RapidFlicker have been in maintenance-only mode for the past year. They will not be making the transition to Universal. Soon we’ll announce a last-time-buy if anyone would like one last chance to purchase a license for either of these. We will continue to offer downloads and support any users that would like to use the existing versions of these plugins, but there will be no more changes or updates to the software for any reason.

After the update to 8.8, Rapidweaver crashed when I clicked Publish / Re-Publish, Export Site or Save.

The problem was solved after I uninstalled Formloom 4 [4.0.12 (511)].
Probably the same problem as in: FormLoom 4 Publishing Issue

Hi @Hugo it’s working fine here (on Intel), and I don’t think it’s the same issue. Are you on Intel or an M1 based Mac?

If you’re on an M1 based Mac FormLoom won’t work as it’s not been updated to a Universal plugin yet.

Hope that helps.

I am indeed working on a M1 Mac. I have now moved my RW file to an Intel Mac and everything works fine again.

You can run RapidWeaver on your M1 Mac under Rosetta if you need to use non Universal plugins, details here one how to do that…


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Hi @Hugo, I can confirm it’s working here for me. M1, FormLoom4, RW8.8 running via Rosetta. Your issue is different from the one you mention, but I’m not sure what the answer is, because FL won’t even load if RW is running w/ ARM code.

A little update about some of the releases promised in my earlier post. We’ve been rolling out universal beta releases on the Slack channel all week.

Because beta versions are very transient and forum posts last basically forever, I try to keep beta versions off the forum. But as an update I’ll post the release notes here, and a link to the Slack channel in case you want to join in the beta testing or get a jump at downloading any of these.

[Update: final releases are done and ready for download. I’ve updated the info below with the latest releases and download links]

Flow v1.9.0

Collage v2.6.0

Accordion v1.9.3 beta 2

Blocks v3.6.0 beta 2

Slack Channel Info

Slack channel (sign-up): http://slack.yourhead.com
Slack channel (sign-in): https://yourhead.slack.com

also: check out my slick new release notes pages.

  • automatically generated from my developer logs.
  • deployed with the build as part of automatic plug-in build pipeline.
  • each numbered button in the release notes is linked to an totaly open/public bug tracker for that plug-in.

Release notes like this are coming to every plug-in, including Stacks.


That’s awesome new @Isaiah — nice work :tada:

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Milestone 1: :white_check_mark: Done!

A couple weeks ago I laid down a little schedule for plug-in releases. We’re at the first milestone: Blocks, Accordion, Collage, and Flow now join Stacks as all being universal. These updates are free, so go download and enjoy.

Just visit our site for each plug-in, click the big blue Download button, unzip, and double click to install.

Milestone 2: Still to come

The next phase are the three remaining, the LogHound plug-ins. These will be updated in the next six weeks or so, before the end of May. This a larger undertaking than the others as there are some dependencies that need to be recompiled.

These larger updates will be free to anyone that purchased from YourHead Software over the past few years, but there will be a small upgrade fee for those who purchased from LogHound.

Because everyone purchased a PlusKit 3 license from YourHead, it will naturally be a free update.

More cool nerdy stuff

If you like to follow our software development, see the beta release, know when bugs get fixed, and features added, then I’ve got something cool to share.

All our plug-ins now have automated release notes like this. These are automatically generated from our developer logs and are automatically linked to the bugs and features as they get fixed. Just click the little button at the beginning of each item.

And new just the past week: we’ve added a public bug tracker to each plug-in. This means if you find a bug that needs fixing, you can help us out by logging it directly or follow along to see when your bug gets fixed and released. Or just add a “me too” comment, or give a bug a thumbs-up to let us know that it’s important to you.

We’ve had this sort of thing available for years for Stacks, but just after setting it up, GitLab disabled the feature and stopped letting us create any more public bug lists connected to private code. But with some recent changes, the limitations have been lifted. You can even see the bug lists without logging in now (you still need a free gitlab account to participate though).

Have more questions?

If you have any questions, feel free to send me an email: http://yourhead.com/support


That’s awesome news @Isaiah! Keep up the good work :tada::+1: