Rapidweaver 8 and MacOS BigSURL

I have just purchased Rapidweaver 8.7 and downloaded the file (When loading RW, it correctly displays the license Key so I assume thats alright). In 2018 I was using an early version RW5.2.2 which is no longer compatible with my MacBookPro. I am now running MacOS BigSURL V 11.1
Now when opening RW I can see the Welcome to Rapidweaver page . However on choosing from the menu the option: ‘Start a new RW Page’ all I get is the message ‘404 NOT FOUND’ and cannot progress further.
I have tried downloading again after deleting the earlier RW version, but with out success. Any ideas?
Can Rapidweaver 8.7 not run on BigSURL?
Any help appreciated.

It runs perfectly on BigSur, at least it does for me. I’m not sure what your issue is. I’ve never heard of that happening before.

Could you post us a screenshot of what you’re seeing?

Continuing the discussion from Rapidweaver 8 and MacOS BigSURL:

Neil: Thank you very much. Firstly the welcoming screen which appears after loading:

I can only send one screenshot at a time. I select ‘Create a Rapidweaver Project’ See next reply

Next reply for the 404 error

404 error see attached.
So I have replied in three separate posts. Hope it makes sense!

What kind of page did you try to add? You did click the “Add” dropdown in the top left?

Try adding a “Styled Text” page. Does that work?

Styled text page will load OK. So perhaps its just the video help sequence?

Its a little while since I used RW so I was going to use the video as a refresher. But maybe apart from the video help I can progress. Thank you again.

No worries, glad it’s working now.

What he is doing is starting a new project. You are then brought to a blank project that shows the “Oooh, a new project” screen. From there, clicking on the button “Getting Started Video Series”.

Once you click on that you are sent to the Rapidweaver Community website and you get the 404 error.

Happens to me also. So I’d say it is an issue with the rapidweaver community site and not RW in general.


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Ah, yes. Never even noticed it, much less clicked it. The community site is being “upgraded”, but lot’s of links are broken etc. Should be good when it’s finished though.

Thanks for everyone who responded. As a new or returning user it is the first page you see. it is the natural path to follow- looking for guidance and of course the user would assume its an issue with RW itself. Hopefully this can be resolved. Thanks again: John

Hi John (@tolstoy13),

Might have a look here

And here


There is no excuse for broken things. This is a PRODUCTION site that folks rely on. RealMac announced this is a beta site but used the “LIVE URL”. If a web developer did that for me, I’d have fired them.

You have a product that you sell that has 404’s for the getting started videos, heck of a welcome to new users. If you want to beta something, maybe a use a sub-domain.

@dan, @bon, It’s best practice for any web developer to do redirects (301’s or 302’s) when you move things around. Since you are the developer of a website tool let’s add the redirects and lead by example.

Thanks Doug: I will make use of the video tutorials. I had also just upgraded MacOS so I thought that might have been the problem, or possibly the previous RW5.2.2 installation. When Error 404 came up I assumed the whole package was faulty. Thank you much for your help: John

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