RAPIDWORLD - Calling on all Rapidgeeks

I’m not sure. Probably so. I had a feeling you had been here for quite a while. In what city was your college?

But now, you are playing. You certainly know that the salutation of a business letter is a formality. Following is the term MR. or MRS. It is like Querida in Spanish. Used in in a letter, it is NOT the same.

This was NOT a saluation. You did not follow it with the Ms. form. You just called me “dear.” There is a big difference and even if you were here only a few years, you would know that.

Anyway, it is the case now. And in my circles, it WAS that way 17 years ago also, but maybe not 30 years ago. Where did you go to school?

Bowling Green State University, Ohio.

No, not playing. Of course I know it is a salutation. That’s why I was surprised to hear that a commonly used formal salutation could be considered inappropriate.

BTW, if in this context I addressed you as “Dear Ms. Doneen,” it would have sounded sarcastic. Not appropriate at all.

Hi @andreasfmpro,

Keep me updated about this event please.


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Well, I wasn’t using it in a condescending manner. I thought I was being polite and nice.

It came as a surprise to me that the term “dear” could be construed as such, and I was not even born in the 1950s.

Blame it on Michael Winner. (UK reference to a TV advert)


I personally believe you were not using it in a condescending manner at all and I would not have taken offense as you used it.

And “snowflake” is quite a bit appropriate for many here in the US who get offended by just about anything these days. I am so sad that our society here in the US has gotten so ridiculous in what it considers PC and offensive. People assume the worse intentions of others and take offense at a drop of a hat. No one has a back bone any more.

I grew up learning this: “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.” But people these days apparently were not raised with such wise advice.


I hear you, Christi. I can’t agree more, and thank you for chiming in.

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This isn’t about RapidWorld anymore :confused:

Make sure to stay on topic or refrain from posting! :slight_smile: