Recommendations for stacks or addons to add buttons in to the navigation menu bar?

Hi Don,
Yes it looks like I’m good to go. I do appreciate what you were planning to do and your willingness to sort it out for me.

Hi Doug, would you be able to help me a bit more with this code. It does work and the “Schedule a Free Consult” indeed has the button I want. The button is also showing up on the last item in each of the drop downs. For instance under “About” the “Blog” has a button as well as “Grief and Loss” under “Specialties”. Is there a way to stipulate that the button only exists for the exact last menu item “Schedule a Free Consult”?
Thank you in advance.

I’m not at my Mac now (iPad), but try adding a greater than sign in-between the ul and li

Change this line:

To this:

nav#site-navigation > ul > li:last-of-type {

If this doesn’t work let me know, I’ll be back in the office in a few hours and will have a look.

Thanks Doug, That fixed it! Thanks again.

Hi Doug, whoops, looks like the toolbar at the bottom of the video goes over the dropped down menu items. When you have a chance could you possibly tweak the code if you think that will fix it?
Thanks in advance.

Try this:

#playerWrapper-player1 .toolbar {
	z-index: 0!important;

Perfect!! Thanks again Doug.

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