RW8 Themes perfect for blogging (not only with Poster Stack)

I had a closer look today at the beautiful new RW8 themes, all build on Bootstrap 4.

I took the opportunity and built a small demo website with all new themes and Poster Stack to show the possible use of these for blogging, and I think the nice clean design works great for that.

Let me know what you think :smiley: Great work @ben


And, if you are experiencing social tag problems in conjunction with RW8, I suggest updating to v1.10:

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Jannis, I don’t understand how Poster Stack supports the social tagging. I presume I should find an option in the settings of a poster item but I see none. How does this work?

It all works out of the box. Titles and description texts are put into the right meta tags automatically. There is even a input field for a meta image, which will be used for sharing in FB or Twitter. Also the content type of the page will be changed correctly.

Read more in the tutorial:

Cheers, Jannis
inStacks Software


Great! Gonna give it s shot :+1:t3:

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