RW8 Upgrade not working

I need Help, I upgraded to RW8 on the Realmac site and put in wrong email (misspellings) so obviously I did not get the email with the download link and code, I email them several times to correct my email to retrieve the code for RW8 i payed for now but I don’t get a reply from them and the one off reply i got was a repeat of what i ask them, can anyone advice what i can do please because i not get any answer from Realmac for some reason.


Hopefully @dan will be able to help.

@dieter, don’t worry we’re going through the support inbox now and will get back to your shortly. In the meantime you could also email as they handle our online orders and should be able to help you out also.


I tried support but there don’t get back to me, my email is the misspelled email is the purchaser of RW8 just need to be updated to my email so i can retrieve the DL.

Hey Dieter,

I’ll get this sorted now for you. Check your email for details :slight_smile:


Thanks, all sorted and thanks for your excellent comunication.


Glad you got it sorted.

You might now want to delete your email addresses from your previous post. This is a public forum and spammers could easily grab it.

Thanks for the tip.

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