I have a question about upgrading. Currently I have RW6 and RW7 on my computer so I can easily deal with projects that require maintenance and too much new content types. I want to upgrade to RW8 for all new projects. If I do the upgrade option v. the stand-alone RW8 option will I lose my current RW7 application and just end up with RW6 and RW8, or will the upgrade put a separate RW8 application on my computer?
If anyone can answer this before the special pricing ends it be very appreciative.
Hi… just confirming that an “upgrade” gets you the new RW8 app. It’s install is totally separate than RW7. I have run 7 and 8 concurrently with no problem (though it’s probably good practice not to) though that “testing” has been limited. When you open you existing projects in 8 it will create a “new” RW8 project file. Your old RW7 project will remain intact and usable should you need to return to it. But then, I’m sure you have backups anyway…
A quick follow up question. I keep my ‘addons’ in a dropbox folder so that I can stay in sync on laptop and desktop. I’ve purchased RW8 but don’t want to risk screwing up my ability to use RW7 (at least until I have a little more time to migrate sites and check they are all fine). Will starting to use RW8 cause any problem with the addons folder that might mess up RW7 or will it simply look to that folder as RW7 used to ?
RW8 will read 7’s settings during installation/1st launch and use the same, I have the same DB setup as you and RW7 and 8 both use the same Addons folder without any problems.